Giving and Getting Inspiration

Now that the first significant event of the year, Curate’s February Show in New York, is behind me I can see much better what I want to achieve in the following months. It’s been already with me for a while, the idea of collaborating with other artists, but now it’s more of a plan. I have learnt these years that one of the best and most rewarding parts of my work is giving and getting inspiration.

At Curate we presented the results of our little co-creation with Nita Angeletti who hand-crafts beautiful, one-of-a-kind jewelry. She designed graceful flowery necklaces in marvellous colors that go perfectly with my garments. I feel that we understand each other and what we try to express with our art. It’s a blessing to have soulmates whom you can contribute to each others’ work with, so I very much hope we’ll continue the cooperation.

Curate is an amazing place to meet talented designers you can just click with right at the start. Just like before, it was an amazing experience, I met brilliant people and learnt a lot from them.

Andrea LeBeau